Section Three

ch3Section Three

Zionist Massacres Against The Palestinians 1967 – 2000


The crimes of the occupation are not only limited to the ones narrated here below, which include the series of massacres carried out by the Israeli occupation against the Palestinians during the period between 1967-2000 (that is, until the outbreak of Al-Aqsa Intifada and independence). The Zionist crimes against Palestinians were quite comprehensive, they changed the lives of Palestinians and did not leave any Palestinian home unhurt or any Palestinian family without martyrs, injured, disabled or prisoners.

The Zionist war crimes attained not only Palestinian people, but also the earth, the environment, the water, the air, sanctities and religious men (Sheikhs) in addition to that, children, women, trees and stones were not spared.

Those war crimes inflicted enormous destruction accumulated in all Palestinian institutions of civil society, health, education, culture, economics, sports, administration and others.

Even if we are highlighting only the most bloody massacres of Zionism against Palestinians that had concrete effects and consequences,this does not mean that we forgot about the large amount of small massacres committed by the forces of the occupation which did not stop from being perpetrated over the indicated time period.

These small massacres, each group of whichform, in turn, a big horrible massacre and war crimes,constitute the document and condemn the crimes of the leaders of the Jewish state from the political and military fields as well as colonists and settlers in the West Bank and Gaza. Here, we document the biggest and ugliest and most dangerous bloody Zionist massacres against Palestinians during the period 1967-2000and until the Al-Aqsa Intifada of that year.


08/10/1990, Black Monday massacre in the courtyard of Al-Aqsa
The official Israeli authorities proceeded on Monday the eighth of October 1990, to commit the hideous massacre / crime against Palestinian men, women and children and the elderly in the courtyard of the Al-Aqsa Mosque
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16/9/1982, Sabra and Shatila massacre
The commemoration of the Sabra and Shatila massacre creates a flood of tremendous feelings of pain, sorrow, oppression and anger… While time has passed, we have at the same time a large number of questions and wonderings concerning the developments and events of this massacre on the parties involved and on the perpetrators.
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30/03/1976, Palestinian Land day

4-1-1- “The spark”

On the first of March 1976 the governor of the Northern District of the Occupation in occupied Palestine (1948), Yisrael King, prepared a very secret document named after him and included several racist suggestions on how to defeat what the occupation authorities called at the time the risk of the Arab population growth.
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25/2/1994, Massacre in the Ibrahimi Mosque in Hebron
On the morning of Friday, the fifteenth day of the month of Ramadan 1414 AH, corresponding to 25/2/1994, during dawn prayers “The terrorist settler, Baruch Goldstein, who was wearing a military uniform and carrying his weapon infiltrated the region, disregarding all feelings and values he started shooting at worshipers who were prostrating in the heart of the Ibrahimi Mosque. Dozens of them fell.
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20/5/1990, Massacre of Rishon Lezion (Uyun Qara)

A new massacre added to the massacres committed in the occupied Arab territories against Palestinian citizens and claimed the lives of 20 martyrs, including eight martyrs killed by the bullets of an Israeli soldier.

On the morning of that day, this 21-year-old soldier was wearing a military uniform, carrying an “M-16” rifle and standing in Lezion Square. He ordered Palestinian workers heading to Tel Aviv to stand in a queue claiming he wanted to verify their identities, however he started shooting them with his rifle the killing eight workers and seriously injuring sixteen. He then killed an Arab man who was driving a car and ran away with the car.

–    A witness described what happened by saying that at a quarter past fifteen on Sunday morning 20/5/1990, a young Jewish man of twenty-one years old arrived by foot to “Mafrak al Wouroud” (Abid market – at the junction of Rishon Lezion east of Tel Aviv) where he went through the orchards to “Mafrak al Wouroud” a concentration of sites of Palestinian workers. He was armed with a Ghalil-type machine gun and was wearing sneakers and a black “Dupont” jeans. When he arrived to the gathering of the Arab workers he stopped a Gazan car, ordered the driver to get out of the car and keep the engine on, then he went towards the group of about 100 workers and asked them to kneel in three lines and show their identity cards. After seeing that they were all Arabs, he fired at them indiscriminately and intensely; he then took the car and ran away. The witnesses add: the soldier had a rifle, he unloaded four stores of ammunition in the chests and heads of the workers he killed”

–    According to the statements of Palestinian workers, one ambulance arrived after half an hour of the massacre. An eyewitness said: instead of helping the wounded, the police chased us and hit us with batons. No passers by on the road helped us, yet the police chief of the region claimed that at six o’clock and fifty minutes all the wounded were taken to hospitals. The management of Tel Hashomer hospital claimed the arrival of two dead and two wounded to the operation room.

After the massacre, the terrorist headed to the house of his girlfriend, where a member of her family contacted the police who arrested him in the house of his girlfriend.


Wholesale massacres during the first intifada 1987-1993
According to documented data, the Israeli occupation has committed crimes against Palestinian children, women, elders and youths over the years of the first intifada from 1987-1993. War crimes were happening daily, they were collective and individual and caused damage and harm to all the families and Palestinian homes,
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1998, the year of the collective massacres

The International Solidarity Foundation for Human Rights said in a report that the year 1998 was a bloody year for the Palestinian people. They were exposed to many collective massacres in which a large number of unarmed Palestinian citizens were killed,
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10/3/1998, Tarqumya Massacre

One of the Israeli soldiers killed three Palestinian workers on the Tarkumya checkpoint on 10/03/1998. Nine others were injured..

  • This collective massacre perpetrated by Israeli soldiers has revealed that killing Arabs is the slogan Israeli soldiers are proud to write on their clothes. The soldier who killed the three Palestinian workers at the checkpoint was wearing a jacket with the slogan “Born to Kill” written on it.
  • This bloody slogan makes the biography of the Jewish soldier a sustained episode of killing others and shortens on the other hand, the lives of Arabs who are born to be killed !!
  • The inevitable result of terrorist breeding whose source is in the Torah and the Talmud, is presently being repeated and practiced by Zionist leaders.
  • What the Israeli soldiers did in the Tarqumya checkpoint is not far from what Ariel Sharon didwhen he was 22 years old, when he sat in a tank sipping whiskey and eating caviar while the snipers of unit (101), killed 90 Palestinians during one of the operations outside the armistice lines after 1948,
  • Which is nothing more than a literal application of the words of Moshe Menachem: the land of Israel must become ours, cleansed of foreigners, clean of Arab Palestinian strangers. This is also a response of Meir Kahane who said,”The Christ will only appear after the Arabs have been killed”. Killing the Arabs is a religious duty for the peace of the world and the return of the Christ. Kahane also said that: The faster the holy war was in exterminating the Arabs, the faster will the Christ appear and peace for Jews will last for a thousand years!!

This massacre carried out against Tarqumya workers resulted in the death of three workers and the injury of nine others.

25/9/1996, The Tunnel Massacre

–    The Palestinian volcano of anger burst at the tyranny of the occupation, in the wake of the declaration on 25/9/1996, of the Israeli government headed by Netanyahu of the opening of a tunnel under the foundations of the Temple of Jerusalem. Palestinian masses went to the holy city and throughout the occupied territories in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, they demonstrated in the streets to protest against the Israeli violations of the Islamic holy sites in Jerusalem.

–    The army, police forces, intelligence units and occupation units came to face the demonstrations using helicopters, missiles and artillery of various calibers. They opened fire indiscriminately on the Palestinian masses, killing about 70 Palestinians and wounding more than a thousand of them.[i]

–    Israeli occupation forces broke during the clashes into Al-Aqsa Mosque Square after Friday prayers on 28/09/1996, and fired their weapons and fire bombs heavily towards the Arab worshipers,

which led to the fall of three martyrs and more than 50 injured. A pool of blood covered the floor of the Haram.[ii]

[i]. For more details on the events of the tunnel in 1996, see the news reports published in Palestinian newspapers dated 25, 26, 27 and 28/09/1996.

[ii]. Palestinian newspapers 29/9/1996.

2500 Martyrs: Victims of Israeli Mines

Israeli crimes and massacres were not only confined in that long series of crimes and massacres referred to throughout the previous pages, but has been expanded to the Israeli military mines deliberately planted by the occupation forces in the fields and orchards and the Palestinian territories, which resulted in the occurrence of bloody massacres, most of the victims being Palestinian children.
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